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Today, the world is going crazy about fitness, and needless to say, this is quite a good thing. A healthy lifestyle is always desirable and exercising should always be a part of that lifestyle. In the present-day fast and hectic life, you may not get enough time to hit the gym daily but you should definitely take some time out for your daily workout regime. It is very important not only for losing weight and looking great but mostly for ensuring your overall well-being. And so, even if you cannot visit fitness or yoga centres, you can design your personalized workout sessions at home. And for that, all you would need is some home workout products.

The common equipments which are used in home workout: Yoga mat, Skipping rope, Resistance bands, Kettle bells, Foam roller, Light weight dumbbells etc.

1. Yoga mat: A good-quality yoga mat ensures proper comfort, balance, and support to do the asanas. It also reduces the stress on joints while practicing asanas. Apart from yoga, you can use this mat for stretching and other forms of fitness routines. 

2. Skipping rope: A skipping rope or jump rope is a tool used in the sport of skipping/jumping rope. Jumping rope is an effective workout that can burn many calories in a short time frame.

3. Resistance band: The resistance band is used to strengthen your muscles and improve your body flexibility. These bands are ideal for warm-ups, body stretching, and different light to medium resistance exercises. With these bands, you can add challenges to your usual workouts like push-ups, biceps curls, squats, mobility training, etc. 

4. Kettlebells: Kettlebells are great for building full-body strength, mobility, and even cardio endurance. With kettlebells, you can do workouts like squats, lunges, rowing, etc. Kettlebells basically used by beginners and for the warm-up purposes for mediators.

5. Muscle stretcher/Foam roller: A foam roller is a lightweight and cylindrical tube which helps to enhance your movements, relax your muscles and ease back pain. It can help to relieve muscle tightness, soreness, and inflammation, and increase your motion in the joint range. It is an effective tool to add to your warm-up session or cool-down session which is before or after exercise.

6. Lightweight dumbbells: Dumbbells are often used for joint-isolation exercises such as biceps curls, chest flies, or shoulder raises. Using dumbbells for full-body, multiplanar movements, however, can provide a variety of different strength outcomes. It also offers many benefits for cardiorespiratory fitness and flexibility.

CONCLUSION: To live life healthily, it is essential to exercise for mental and physical development. Thus, exercise is vital for the overall growth of a person. It is necessary to maintain a balance between work, rest, and activities. So, make sure to exercise daily.

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